This isn’t about racism.
This is about seizing opportunities.
You’ve fucked up right
royally. Not only have you fucked up, but you then go on and fuck up some more
by fucking up the apology for the first fuck up. You’re fucked.
Was there ever a better catalyst to be introspective and reinvent
yourself? Re-educate yourself. Redeem yourself. Show us that you’ve learned from the fuck up. How about breaking
free of the nepotistic cartel that you’re part of? Be the black sheep (fucking
irony of that!) run from the flock and be your new self.
Look in the corner, under that spare desk over there. See
that basket? That’s the too hard basket. It’s almost full but no one’s ever
dared empty it. Grab it and open up all those crumpled bits of paper. Put them
on that spare desk flatten them out and start categorising them. You could do
it chronologically or you could do it by subject: Drugs, death, racism, sexism,
homophobia, sexual harassment etc. etc. You could even take that introspection
to its extreme and look at why you need to be writing this. Why you’re part of
an industry that feels it needs to ignore, deny, obfuscate, lie and have that basket under that desk.
I don’t need to tell you the stories you need to look at,
you know them far too well. They’re like a cancer, they go into remission but
they’re always there. Everyone knows you know them too, because everyone sees
the wagons circling as soon as one tries to get out of that basket. We see the “this
comment has been deleted” we see the “404 not found” and we hear the cacophony
of nothing at all when one of the clan deserves pulling up.
You will almost certainly ostracise yourselves from the ‘industry’
but believe me you will ingratiate yourselves with the surfers… Remember them?
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